Clinical Practice and the Law

clinical-practice book picClinical practice and the law – a legal primer for clinicians

Reviews of the book are available here

With forewords by James Badenoch Q.C. Chairman Emeritus EWI, Dr Jan Wise Chair of the BMA Medico-Legal Committee 2004-2018 and Michael A Foy Chairman of the Medico-Legal Committee of the British Orthopaedic Association.

Cover Price: £34.95   Online price: £29.95 + £5 p&p”This guide provides essential information for those anxious about the boundaries between medicine and the law, and who wish to equip themselves better for a career in medicine.” Dr M E J Wise MSc FRCPsych IDFAPA

“Those in established clinical practice would do well to consult this book as a matter of course, and it deserves to become a basis for study for those in training.’ James Badenoch QC

“A knowledge of the law and its relationship to both clinical and expert witness practice is essential. … Giles Eyre is ideally qualified to give advice on such matters to the medical profession.” Michael A Foy FRCS
Consultant Orthopaedic & Spinal Surgeon

This essential guide to medicine and the law, written by barrister Giles Eyre, addresses the fundamentals of how the law, lawyers and the legal system affect clinical practice. Medicine and the law are intricately linked through statutes, regulations and the common law. Yet, very few clinicians have more than a fuzzy understanding of the law and understand even less about how lawyers will approach medical matters when it is alleged that treatment has fallen short of what is reasonably to be expected of treating clinicians.

The text explores:

  • the common law principles that provide the context for clinical practice
  • the importance of high-quality medical communication skills
  • the need for explanatory and clear medical notes and records
  • the differences between evidence of fact and expert evidence
  • essential legal knowledge in key-areas of clinical practice, including: Clinicians who integrate the basic legal principles explored in the text into their practice will not only develop a more robust approach to clinical practice, but are also likely to become better clinicians in the process.

To view the table of contents and foreword to the book, please view the following PDFs:
Table of contents

Reviews of the book are available here

Giles regularly presents workshops and seminars for medical practitioners and other expert witnesses on legal principles, effective report writing and giving evidence. He is co-author of Writing Medico-Legal Reports in Civil Claims – an essential guide (2nd ed 2015)

Cover Price: £34.95